Cleaning Petroleum Tanks
Cleaning Petroleum Tanks
- Green Valley Company cleaning all types and sizes of petroleum tanks using the approved environmental methods according to the materials contained in the tanks, thanks to a full team of specialists in tank cleaning operations who are equipped with the latest tools and equipment.
- The company also carries out packaging and safe disposal of waste resulting from purification operations and transporting them to treatment or safe disposal sites authorized by Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency.
- تصريح جهاز شئون البيئة رقم 5170 الصادر بتاريخ 28/12/2012 لنقل المخلفات الخطرة والغير خطرة من محافظة السويس
- EEAA license NO. 5170 issued in 28/12/2012 for transfer hazardous and nonhazardous waste from Suez Governorate region
- تصريح جهاز شئون البيئة رقم 4088الصادر بتاريخ 28/07/2015 لنقل المخلفات الخطرة و الغير خطرة من عموم محافظات الجمهورية
- EEAA license NO. 4088 issued in 28/07/2015 for transfer hazardous and nonhazardous waste from all Governorates regions
- تصريح جهاز شئون البيئة رقم 1966 الصادر بتاريخ 13/12/ 2016 لنقل المخلفات الخطرة و الغير خطرة من عموم محافظات الجمهورية و المناطق الصناعية و الصحراء الشرقية و الغربية و جميع شركات البترول
- EEAA license NO. 1966 issued in 13/12/2016 for transfer hazardous and nonhazardous waste from all Governorates regions ,industrial area, east and west deserts and all petroleum companies