Green Valley Company

Landscaping management

Green Valley Company

Landscaping management

Green Valley Company is a company specialized in the cultivation of green spaces and landscaping.

Where Green Valley Company is considered one of the latest Egyptian companies, it has the necessary modern equipment and devices, human cadres and trainees at the highest level of experience and efficiency.

The company also deals in this activity with tourist facilities and large hotels, where we have many business relationships in all fields .



Landscape Works:

The company designs and implements all wooden designs, workshops for designs, water designs, water designs, fountains, fountains, distributions, drawings, and everything related to the integrated elements of designs, aesthetic works and coordinating masterpieces.

Irrigation networks and public supplies:

Participating in the implementation, supply and supply of manual and automatic irrigation supplies with the finest raw materials, industry code logos, and supplying all agricultural requirements, industrial raw materials, ornamental plants, palms, corridors, decorations, natural grass, fertilizers, pesticides, fertilizers, acids and ceramic pots.

pest control:

Insect and skin control. This problem disappears again.

Valley company provides the service of controlling flying, crawling and rodents through management and personnel with experience in this field and at the highest levels, where the company uses the latest scientific findings of equipment and chemicals conforming to the levels and space specifications of the World Health Organization and its pioneer in the environment.

decoration plants:

Green Valley Company in the supply and cultivation of indoor plants, indoor plants in proportion to the designs of offices and buildings, and the selection of types of plants that combine aesthetic character and bear the shade environment

Green Valley

Is the source for transportation and safe disposal dealing with all types of   hazardous and nonhazardous specialized Waste Management and certified from EEAA (Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency) issued by Egyptian Environmental Ministry to declare the company this field.We committed to provide effective, high quality, low risk service to all our clients.

Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency EEAA Licenses

  • تصريح جهاز شئون البيئة رقم 5170 الصادر بتاريخ 28/12/2012 لنقل المخلفات الخطرة والغير خطرة من محافظة السويس
  • EEAA license NO. 5170 issued in 28/12/2012 for transfer hazardous and nonhazardous waste from Suez Governorate region
  • تصريح جهاز شئون البيئة رقم 4088الصادر بتاريخ 28/07/2015 لنقل المخلفات الخطرة و الغير خطرة من عموم محافظات الجمهورية
  • EEAA license NO. 4088 issued in 28/07/2015 for transfer hazardous and nonhazardous waste from all Governorates regions
  • تصريح جهاز شئون البيئة رقم 1966 الصادر بتاريخ 13/12/ 2016 لنقل المخلفات الخطرة و الغير خطرة من عموم محافظات الجمهورية و المناطق الصناعية و الصحراء الشرقية و الغربية و جميع شركات البترول
  • EEAA license NO. 1966 issued in 13/12/2016 for transfer hazardous and nonhazardous waste from all Governorates regions ,industrial area, east and west deserts and all petroleum companies



Green valley expanded their experiences and services to include:

  • Hazardous and Nonhazardous waste transportation and safe disposal.
  • Facility management
  • Landscape Management
  • Tank cleaning
  • Tank Inspection, Calibration and rectification
  • Treatment plant operation and maintenance
  • Recycling Systems
  • Scrap
  • Hanger cleaning
  • Transportation
  • Vacuum truck
  • Tank Truck
  • Dump truck
  • Flat Truck
  • Environmental consultant.